
導演:Chik Sakon Tiacharoen 

主演:Frame Ritchanon Sriprasitdacha 瑞安·潘亞·麥池沙尼恩 譚·阿努貢·莫克猜 帕薩維特·沙威特瑞緹庫 Pooh Phiangphor Nut Traipat Wuthibowornnant 圖斯·托特撒瓦緹 鄭聰智 騰·阿披維特·烏埃姆 Team Tatchanon Thongpao Kong Kooppong Chumnanyong Feros Khan Chaemchoi 歐姆 · 納巴特 · 烏察哈 Mimi Ruethaiphat Phatthananapaphangk 

據說,從同一個卵子產生的同卵雙胞胎將共享一條紐帶,就好像他們是同一個人一樣。但不是同卵雙胞胎「Sprite」和「zee」。盡管從出生起就走着和運動員一樣的路線,但兩人都想成為唯一!   It is said that identical twins who are produced from the same egg will share a bond as if they were the same person. But not with "Sprite" and "Zee", the identical twins. Despite follow 詳情