
導演:Don McCutcheon 

主演:亞尼克·比森 克雷格·湯姆斯 海琳·喬伊 強尼·哈里斯 喬吉娜·瑞利 彼得·斯戴賓斯 彼得·凱萊漢 馬修·本內特 Arwen Humphreys 查爾斯·萬德瓦爾特 Jayden Greig 大衛·麥金尼斯 Jamie Abrams Rick Hughes Tim MacLean 

Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns that Pendrick is hoping to win a $1 million prize for the first controlled flight. A body is found in the rubble of the crash but someone is clearly out 詳情